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Table of contents

General information

Latest international publications

Statistical data used

Key facts and figures

Additional national statistics

Office(s) in charge of data collection

Overview of main stakeholders

Overview of policies

Specific sources


General information

COUNTRY: Luxembourg
KNOWLEDGE BROKER: Françoise Berthet, MD, MPH, Deputy Director, Health Directorate,

SEPEN thanks the knowledge brokers for their contribution in checking and completing the country-information. SEPEN is accountable for the content of the country profiles.

Latest international publications

Statistical data used

Type of information Source Year Remarks
Table 1: Health workforce stock and replacement OECD 2017 Age characteristics of the nursing stock are not reported.
Figure 1: Mobility level in absolute numbers OECD 2018 Only immigration data for OECD countries are available. The data produced are therefore incomplete. Not all OECD-countries register the country of origin of incoming health professionals and some do not register incoming health professionals at all. Emigration data are based on immigration numbers in other OECD-countries, as emigration as such is not registered nor reported.
Figure 2a: Number of practicing physicians per 1000 inhabitants Eurostat 2017 Figure 2a presents regional distribution of physicians. Maps are formatted according to the NUTS classification obtained from Eurostat or recent national data provided by the key country informants. The national average is derived from the OECD/Eurostat databases, and the EU average from the “Health at a Glance: Europe” report published in November 2020.
Figure 2b: Number of practicing nurses and midwives per 1000 inhabitants  Eurostat 2017 Figure 2b presents regional distrubution of nursing and midwifery. Maps are formatted according to the NUTS classification obtained from Eurostat or recent national data provided by the key country informants. The national average is derived from the OECD/Eurostat databases, and the EU average from the “Health at a Glance: Europe” report published in November 2020.

Key facts and figures

OECD and Eurostat statistics

Statistic Number Data Year
Total population 613 894 2019
Life expectancy at birth 82,3 2018

Source: Eurostat

  Licensed to practice Practising Professionally active  
Statistic Number Per 1000 inhabitants Number Per 1000 inhabitants Number Per 1000 inhabitants Data year
Physicians 2 497 4,19 1 780 2,98 1 973 3,31 2017
> Generalist Medical Practitioner Not reported Not reported 534 0,90 Not reported Not reported 2017
> Specialist Medical Practitioner Not reported Not reported 1 246 2,09 Not reported Not reported 2017
Nurses 14 471 24,27 6 992 11,72 7 144 11,98 2017
Midwives 441 0,74 214 0,36 217 0,36 2017
Dentists 736 1,23 581 0,97 594 1 2017
Pharmacists 687 1,15 416 0,70 514 0,86 2017
Physiotherapists Not reported Not reported 1 198 2,01 Not reported Not reported 2017

Source: OECD

Additional national statistics

Statistic Number per 1000 inhabitants Data Year
Caregiver 3 784 6,16 2019
Surgical technical medical assistants (ATM surgery) 207 0,34 2019
Medical laboratory technical assistants (ATM laboratory) 202 0,33 2019
Radiology medical technical assistants (ATM radiology) 295 0,48 2019
Social hygiene assistant 82 0,13 2019
Senior assistants 5 0,01 2019
Social workers 634 1,03 2019
Dietitians 99 0,16 2019
Occupational therapists 331 0,54 2019
Nurses in anesthesia and resuscitation 409 0,67 2019
Pediatric nurses 268 2,72* 2019
Psychiatric nurses 246 0,40 2019
Graduate nurses 132 0,22 2019
Laboratory assistant 283 0,46 2019
Masseur 36 0,06 2019
Masseur – physiotherapist 1296 2,11 2019
Speech therapist 116 0,19 2019
Orthoptist 21 0,03 2019
Curative pedagogue 38 0,06 2019
Podiatrist 26 0,04 2019
Psychomotor rehabilitation 104 0,17 2019

* adjustment on 98,607 children under 15 years of age

Source: Registre des professions de santé réglementées, Ministère de la santé, 2019

Office(s) in charge of data collection

Name Role Website
Ministry of Health Regulation of health workforce, registration and issuance of the licence to practice.
The Health Professions High School (Lycée

technique des professions de santé, LTPS)


Training of certain regulated health professions (e.g. nurse, midwife, pharmacy assistant).
Collège médical du Luxembourg (Luxembourg Medical Chamber) Mandatory registration at the professional chamber in order to be licensed to practice.

Overview of main stakeholders

Public representatives

Name Role Website
Ministry of Health Regulation of health workforce, registration and licence to practice

Health profession representatives

Name Role Website
Collège médical du Luxembourg (Luxembourg Medical Chamber) Responsible for representing its members (physicians, dentists, pharmacists, and psychotherapists). The College is also in charge of ethical issues.

Academic representatives

Name Role Website
The Health Professions High School (Lycée

technique des professions de santé, LTPS)

 Training of certain regulated health professions (e.g. nurse, midwife, pharmacy assistant).

Overview of policies

Manage shortages and maldistribution of skills

Original name Règlement grand-ducal du 27 mai 1997 relatif à l’octroi des concessions de pharmacie.
Name in English Grand-ducal regulation of 27 May 1997 relating to the granting of pharmacy concessions.
Short description Total number of pharmacies is regulated over the territory. Concessions for the newly established or vacant pharmacies are subject to tender and a selection process between the candidate pharmacists.
Publication date  11 June 1997
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Original name Profession de psychothérapeute – création (loi 2015)


Loi du 14 juillet 2015 portant création de la profession de psychothérapeute

Name in English Law of July 14 2015 establishing the profession of psychotherapist
Short description Recognition law of psychotherapy, defining the exercise, qualification and supervision of the psychotherapy profession.
Publication date 21 July 2015
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Grants for settlement – see section Working Conditions.

Improving performance

Original name Règlement grand-ducal du 6 décembre 2019 précisant les modalités et conditions de mise en place du dossier de soins partagé 
Name in English Grand-ducal regulation of 6 December 2019 specifying the terms and conditions of implementation of shared medical record
Short description Regulation establishing the patient health record system, also  defining the modalities for its use, and conceptualising the rules for data transfer and access. 
Publication date 28 Decembr 2019
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Original name Agence eSanté Luxembourg
Name in English eHealth Agency Luxembourg
Short description The main role of the e-Health Agency is to ensure better use of information in the health and medico-social sectors, and promote interoperability and security in the health information system. The Agency is also responsible for updating the national strategy on e-Health and the health information system.  
Publication date 17 December 2010
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Address outflow mobility

Original name Etat des lieux des professions médicales et des professions de la santé au Luxembourg
Name in English Overview of health workforce in Luxembourg
Short description Conclusions and data from the report: A majority of the health professionals in Luxembourg are foreign born and/or foreign trained and are non-resident.

  • Physician specialists : 

55% foreign nationality / 34% living abroad

  • General Practitioners :

37% foreign nationality / 21% living abroad

  • All regulated professions :

58% foreign nationality / 53% living abroad

Publication date  October 2019
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Education, enrolment and recruitment

Original name Médecins luxembourgeois en voie de formation à l’étranger: bourses
Name in English Grants to Luxembourgish physicians training abroad
Short description Allowances for physicians to perform an internship as part of specialisation in general medicine, oncology and neurology. Grants are also available in other specialty areas for physicians intending to acquire the specialisation abroad, outside the University of Luxembourg. Available total budget is registered under budgetary legislation (424 800 and 525 000 euros for 2020).
Publication date 2020 with a perspective up to 2023
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Education staff & infrastructure

Original name Lycée technique des professions de santé, LTPS
Name in English The Health Professions High School
Short description The Health Professions High School offers training programmes leading to regulated profession degrees, with a trend to opening new training programmes, depending on the future needs of the country. The list of applying regulation is available on the website :
Publication date N/A
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Original name Présentation du programme de Bachelor en Médecine (BMED) et formation spécifique en médecine générale à l’Université du Luxembourg
Name in English Presentation of the Bachelor in Medicine (BMED) programme and specific training in general medicine at the University of Luxembourg
Short description

There is no full university-level health professional training in Luxembourg. The University of Luxemburg, Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM) is offering a 3-year Bachelor in medicine program, which focuses on the early development of clinical skills on the basis of training through simulation and tutoring by physicians with demonstrated teaching skills. FSTM also provides a General Practitioner specialisation programme.


Publication date N/A
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Continuous professional development (CPD)

Original name Institut national pour le développement de la formation professionnelle continue
Name in English National Institute for the Development of Continuing Professional Education
Short description The INFPC is a public institution under the supervision of the Ministry of National Education, Children and Youth. Its mission is to promote lifelong learning through three pillars of activity:

  • Co-financing (with the government)
  • Operating the training portal
  • Observatory role in CPD (quantitative and qualitative analysis of trainings)

The legislative framework comprises the Law of 21 July, 2012 (amending the Law of 1 December 1992) and the Grand-ducal regulation of 27 August, 2012.

Publication date Effective from August, 2012
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Original name Réintégration professionnelle – article 13 de la loi du 26 mars 1992 sur l’exercice et la revalorisation de certaines professions de santé
Name in English Professional reintegration – Article 13 of the Law of March 26, 1992 on the exercise and upgrading of certain health professions
Short description

Health professionals not practicing for a 5-year period may be required by the Minister of Health to pursue a reintegration programme in order to renew the licence. The Minister of Health may also declare compulsory attendance at certain CPD courses for a given profession or specialty.

The framework for the recognition of healthcare qualifications is defined by the Grand-Ducal Regulation of 17 February 2017. The terms and conditions of this reintegration course are defined in the grand-ducal regulation of September 14, 2006 setting the terms of the theoretical and practical teaching of reintegration. Before the start of this reintegration programme, an internship agreement must be completed and signed by the intern, the internship supervisor, the representative of the internship location and the Ministry of Health.

Publication date 16 April 1992

17 February 2017

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Regulation of private sector

Original name
Name in English Information on Licence to Practice and qualification requirements
Short description All regulations and requirements applying to the regulated professions are available on the website of the Ministry of Health.
Publication date Various
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Working conditions

Original name Interventions de l’Etat au profit des médecins lors de l’installation de cabinets de groupe 
Name in English State grant for the installation of medical group practice
Short description The grant aims to increase the appeal of the General Practitioner profession, and to enhance the establishment of multidisciplinary medical practices and integrated care. The required budget is made budgetary legislation. Information and forms are available on the website of the Ministry of Health.
Publication date Budget 2019 & Budget 2020 (and provision to 2023)
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Not reported

Specific sources

Not reported

Last updated: 10 October 2020


The country fiches are produced under the EU Health Programme 2014-2020 under a service contract with the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (Chafea) acting under the mandate from the European Commission. The information and views set out in the country sheets are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Commission/Executive Agency. The Commission/Executive Agency does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this study.

Neither the Commission/Executive Agency nor any person acting on the Commission’s/Executive Agency’s behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.