On 17 May 2018, the joint tender evaluating the ESI Funds for Health programme organised a workshop focussing on projects supporting the health workforce financed by ESI funds in the past years. The meeting of experts from across Europe reflected on the policy context, such as the Support for the health workforce planning and forecasting expert network joint tender(SEPEN) and the former Joint Action on Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting. As host project, the Bulgarian Ministry of Health presented an intervention in specialist training. The project supported doctors and dentists in specialty training to develop their skills and competences by providing support in the form of scholarships and financial assistance for training fees.
The joint tender will continue hosting workshops focussing on a variety of topics such as health promotion. Its deliverables include a mapping of projects, which will include country factsheets and an assessment of the impact of ESIF health-related investments on the implementation of EU health policy goals in the Member States.
The project is managed by the Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA) on behalf of the European Commission Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE). The project is coordinated by Milieu Ltd. Other partners include Maastricht University, EuroHealthNet, Health ClusterNET and King-eClient. The project is funded by the European Union in the framework of the EU’s third Health Programme (2014-2020).
Further details can be found at the link below.
