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Table of contents

General information

Latest international publications

Statistical data used

Key facts and figures

Additional national statistics

Office(s) in charge of data collection

Overview of main stakeholders

Overview of policies

Specific sources


General information

COUNTRY: Croatia
KNOWLEDGE BROKER: Dr. Ivan Raguž, President of the Committee for International Cooperation and Head of Croatian CPME delegation, Croatia

SEPEN thanks the knowledge brokers for their contribution in checking and completing the country-information. SEPEN is accountable for the content of the country profiles.

Latest international publications

Statistical data used

Type of information Source Year Remarks
Table 1: Health workforce stock and replacement Eurostat 2018 Age characteristics of the nursing stock are not reported.
Figure 1: Mobility level in absolute numbers Eurostat 2018 Only immigration data for OECD countries are available. The data produced are therefore incomplete. Not all OECD-countries register the country of origin of incoming health professionals and some do not register incoming health professionals at all. Emigration data are based on immigration numbers in other OECD-countries, as emigration as such is not registered nor reported.
Figure 2a: Number of practicing physicians per 1000 inhabitants Eurostat 2018 Figure 2a presents regional distribution of physicians. Maps are formatted according to the NUTS classification obtained from Eurostat or recent national data provided by the key country informants. The national average is derived from the OECD/Eurostat databases, and the EU average from the “Health at a Glance: Europe” report published in November 2020.
Figure 2b: Number of practicing nurses and midwives per 1000 inhabitants  Eurostat 2015 Figure 2b presents regional distrubution of nursing and midwifery. Maps are formatted according to the NUTS classification obtained from Eurostat or recent national data provided by the key country informants. The national average is derived from the OECD/Eurostat databases, and the EU average from the “Health at a Glance: Europe” report published in November 2020.

Key facts and figures

OECD and Eurostat statistics

Statistic Number Data Year
Total population 4 076 246 2019
Life expectancy at birth 78,2 2018

Source: Eurostat

  Licensed to practice Practising Professionally active  
Statistic Number Per 1000 inhabitants Number Per 1000 inhabitants Number Per 1000 inhabitants Data year
Physicians Not reported Not reported 13 885 Not reported Not reported Not reported 2017
> Generalist Medical Practitioner Not reported Not reported 3 321 Not reported Not reported Not reported 2017
> Specialist Medical Practitioner Not reported Not reported 10 564 Not reported Not reported Not reported 2017
Nurses 38 927 9,43 27 094 Not reported Not reported Not reported 2017
Midwives Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 2017
Dentists Not reported Not reported 3 433 Not reported Not reported Not reported 2017
Pharmacists Not reported Not reported 3 072 Not reported Not reported Not reported 2017
Physiotherapists Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 2017

Source: Eurostat

Additional national statistics

Not reported

Office(s) in charge of data collection

Name Role Website
Central Bureau of Statistics The Croatian Bureau of Statistics is responsible for the collection, coordination and dissemination of the Official Statistical System of the Republic of Croatia, as well as the main representative of the national statistical system before international bodies competent for statistical affairs.
Croatian Institute for Public Health The Institute functions as a statistical authority which maintains national public health registries, supervises data storage and coordinates the work of other health registers.
National Health Insurance Fund Provides data on health workforce in certain regions (rural areas, underdeveloped regions, islands, etc.)
Professional chamber registries

Croatian Medical Chamber

Croatian Dental Chamber

Croatian Chamber of Health Workers

Croatian Nursing Council

Croatian Chamber of Midwives

Croatian Chamber of Pharmacists

Croatian Council of Physiotherapists

Croatian Chamber of Psychology

Responsible for data collection on health professionals with license to practice.

Croatian Employment Service Collects general data about professionals
County Public Health Institutes Collects statistical data and participates in the formulation and implementation of health programmes at county level

Overview of main stakeholders

Public representatives

Name Role Website
Ministry of Health Responsible for the regulation of standards, budget allocation, health policy and planning, supervision and promotion of  health programmes, including monitoring and surveillance of health status.
Croatian Health Insurance Fund (CHIF) CHIF is the single purchaser of healthcare services provided within the Mandatory Health Insurance (MHI) scheme, responsible for setting the performance standards and prices for services covered under the mandatory insurance scheme.
Croatian National Institute of Public Health CNIPH’s main activities are the provision of statistical research on health and health care services; maintaining public health registers; monitoring and analysing the epidemiological status of the population; as well as providing and organising preventive and counter-epidemic measures.
Counties and the city of Zagreb Local governments own and operate most of the public primary and secondary care facilities, including general and specialised hospitals, county health centres, public health institutes and community health institutions (home care and emergency care units).  

Health profession representatives

Name Role Website
Croatian Medical Association Responsible for improving  professional and scientific standards, ensuring medical ethics and the health protection of the population, as well as  promoting the interests of its members. Chambers are also responsible for continuous professional development (CPD) programs.
Croatian Dental Chamber Independent professional organisation with a mandatory membership, representing the interests  of dentists, dental assistants, and dental technicians.
Croatian Chamber of Pharmacists The chamber is an independent professional organisation with the legal characteristics of a corporation and public authority, representing its members, as well as ensuring the quality and safety standards. Also responsible for issuing licences and the maintenance of the register
Croatian Nursing Chamber Responsible for the regulation of the profession, ensuring quality and ethical standards, as well as issuing and revalidating licences. Also maintains the register for nurses.
Croatian Chamber of Midwives


The Croatian Chamber of Midwives protects the rights and interests of midwives, promotes the identity and dignity of the profession and develops midwifery through the advancement of education and legislation.
Croatian Medical Chamber
Croatian Chamber of Health Workers The Croatian Chamber of Healthcare Professionals is an independent and professional organization with legal personality and public authority.

The Chamber represents the interests of the members in radiology, occupational therapy, and laboratory testing.

Academic representatives

Name Role Website
Medical universities and faculties Providing health professional education – undergraduate and

postgraduate education, CPD programmes, and scientific research.

Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences is an institution of medical sciences and promoter of national science on a worldwide scale. The Academy – supports many scientific projects and performs its activities through 8 scientific collegiums:

–          The Collegium of Internal Medicine Sciences

–          The Collegium of Surgical Medical Sciences

–          The Collegium of Basic Medical Sciences

–          The Collegium of Psychiatric Medical Sciences

–          The Collegium of Public Health

–          The Collegium of Dental Medical Sciences

–          The Collegium of Veterinary Medical Sciences

–          The Collegium of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Overview of policies

Manage shortages and maldistribution of skills

Original name Nacionalna strategija zdravstvene zaštite 2012.-2020
Name in English National Health Care Strategy 2012-2020
Short description The Strategy is the umbrella document determining the context, vision, priorities, goals and key measures in healthcare in the Republic of Croatia.
Publication date 2012
Link to full text,%20projekti%20i%20strategije/National%20Health%20Care%20Strategy%202012-2020.pdf

Improving performance

Original name Zakon o kvaliteti zdravstvene zaštite i socijalne skrbi
Name in english Law on the Quality of Health Care and Social Care


Short description The Law defines the principles and establishes measurement system for achieving and improving quality of care in Croatia and determines the accreditation procedure for healthcare providers.
Publication date 26 October 2011
Link to full text

Address outflow mobility

Not reported

Education, enrolment and recruitment

Name in English Health care act
Short description Part five of the act regulates the educational requirements for health professionals.
Publication date 5 November 2018
Link to full text  

Education staff & infrastructure

Original name Pravilnik o specijalističkom usavršavanju doktora medicine
Name in English Regulations about the Specialist Training of Physicians
Short description Defines the framework for  specialisation of physicians  – the duration and content of specialization programmes, the corresponding specialist medical examination, as well as the conditions to be met by health institutions providing services in specialty areas.
Publication date 25 August 2011
Link to full text


Name in English Regulations on the criteria for admission to specialisation training
Short description This Ordinance establishes the criteria and selection procedure for admission to specialisation conducted at healthcare institutions and financed from national or regional budget. 
Publication date 28 July 2015
Link to full text

Continuous professional development (CPD)

Original name Hrvatska liječnička komora. Pravilnik o sadržaju, rokovima i postupkustručnog usavršavanja i provjere stručnosti liječnika
Name in English Croatian Chamber of Physicians on continuing professional development
Short description Regulation of the CPD for physicians. 120 credit points has to be collected over a 6-year period in order to revalidate the licences. CPD activities include participation on conferences, completing training courses, or publishing. publication CPD crid can be. CPD is also mandatory for other regulated professions, such as nurses, dentists, pharmacists, although the requirements are different for each profession.
Publication date 26 January 2007
Link to full text

Regulation of private sector

Original name Zakon o zdravstvenoj zaštiti
Name in English Healthcare Act
Short description Regulates the content and organizational forms of health care activity.
Publication date 05 November 2018
Link to full text

Working conditions

Original name Pravilnik o minimalnim uvjetima u pogledu prostora, radnika i medicinsko-tehničke opreme za obavljanje zdravstvene djelatnosti
Name in English Ordinance on the minimum requirements for working environment, health professionals, and medical and technical equipment for performing healthcare activities
Short description This Ordinance establishes minimum conditions regarding premises, workers as well as medical and technical equipment for performing healthcare activities, which must be ensured by healthcare institutions and providers.
Publication date 3 June 2011
Link to full text


Original name Godišnji provedbeni plan statističkih aktivnosti Republike Hrvatske 2019. godine
Name in English Annual Implementation Plan for Statistical Activities of the Republic of Croatia in 2019
Short description The Annual Implementation Plan in 2019 envisages the implementation of a total of 284 statistical activities, and it aims to standardise the data collection in all sectors, including the health sector (Health and safety – topic 1.05). It defines the frequency of data collection, annual deadlines, reporting units, data collection format, relevant international standards. The Human Resources Research in Health activity is indicated at the 1.05 – I./1 section. 
Publication date 25 February 2019
Link to full text

Specific sources

Not reported

Last updated: 10 October 2020


The country fiches are produced under the EU Health Programme 2014-2020 under a service contract with the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (Chafea) acting under the mandate from the European Commission. The information and views set out in the country sheets are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Commission/Executive Agency. The Commission/Executive Agency does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this study.

Neither the Commission/Executive Agency nor any person acting on the Commission’s/Executive Agency’s behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.