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Table of contents

General information

Latest international publications

Statistical data used

Key facts and figures

Additional national statistics

Office(s) in charge of data collection

Overview of main stakeholders

Overview of policies

Specific sources


General information

KNOWLEDGE BROKER: Vasilis Zacharopoulos, senior expert in health care systems, Greece

SEPEN thanks the knowledge brokers for their contribution in checking and completing the country-information. SEPEN is accountable for the content of the country profiles.

Latest international publications

Statistical data used

Type of information Source Year Remarks
Table 1: Health workforce stock and replacement OECD 2018 Age characteristics of the nursing stock are not reported.
Figure 1: Mobility level in absolute numbers OECD 2018 Only immigration data for OECD countries are available. The data produced are therefore incomplete. Not all OECD-countries register the country of origin of incoming health professionals and some do not register incoming health professionals at all. Emigration data are based on immigration numbers in other OECD-countries, as emigration as such is not registered nor reported.
Figure 2a: Number of practicing physicians per 1000 inhabitants Eurostat 2018 Figure 2a presents regional distribution of physicians. Maps are formatted according to the NUTS classification obtained from Eurostat or recent national data provided by the key country informants. The national average is derived from the OECD/Eurostat databases, and the EU average from the “Health at a Glance: Europe” report published in November 2020.
Figure 2b: Number of practicing nurses and midwives per 1000 inhabitants  Eurostat 2015 Figure 2b presents regional distrubution of nursing and midwifery. Maps are formatted according to the NUTS classification obtained from Eurostat or recent national data provided by the key country informants. The national average is derived from the OECD/Eurostat databases, and the EU average from the “Health at a Glance: Europe” report published in November 2020.

Key facts and figures

OECD and Eurostat statistics

Statistic Number Data Year
Total population 10 724 599 2019
Life expectancy at birth 81,9 2018

Source: Eurostat


  Licensed to practice Practising Professionally active  
Statistic Number Per 1000 inhabitants Number Per 1000 inhabitants Number Per 1000 inhabitants Data year
Physicians 65 513 6,10 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 2018
> Generalist Medical Practitioner Not reported Not reported 4 390 0,41 Not reported Not reported 2018
> Specialist Medical Practitioner Not reported Not reported 55 161 5,14 Not reported Not reported 2018
Nurses Not reported Not reported 36 118 3,37 Not reported Not reported 2018
Midwives Not reported Not reported 2 834 0,26 Not reported Not reported 2018
Dentists 13 300 1,24 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 2018
Pharmacists Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 10 898 1,02 2018
Physiotherapists Not reported Not reported 8 506 0,79 Not reported Not reported 2018

Source: OECD

Additional national statistics

Not reported

Office(s) in charge of data collection

Name Role Website
MoH-Business Intelligence System  Health system regulator


Provides data on: number of NHS health workforce by setting and specialty by setting (primary care vs. hospitals) and by status (available vs. occupied), NHS Health Centre activities (e.g. visits, immunisations)
EOPYY-National Organization for the Provision of Health Services  Planning and organisation of public health services

Provides data on: number of physicians  contracted with EOPYY and number of family physicians (FP) available positions
ELSTAT-Hellenic Statistical Authority  National statistical office

Provides data on: number of health personnel (physicians, nurses, dentists, physiotherapists) by setting, region, type of setting (public vs. private). No data available for age groups.
IDIKA- e-prescription system  Provision of IT services for the social security and healthcare providers

Region, gender, age groups and type of setting (public vs. private). However, a remarkable proportion of health professionals are working in more than one setting
DOATAP-Hellenic National Recognition Information System  International recognitions of professional qualifications

Number of recognitions of university or technological degrees (Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, Pharmacy) that were awarded by foreign Higher Education Institutions (HEI) issued annually

Overview of main stakeholders

Name Role Website
Ministry of Health Main actor responsible for the overall planning of health policies,  setting priorities, allocating resources, implementing the regulations, and also proposing changes in the regulatory framework.
Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs Central authority responsible

for education policies and

activities. Defines the required legislative framework, sets the required quality standards, as well as the development plans.
National Organisation for the Provision of Health Services (EOPYY) Self-governing public entity, supervised by the Ministry of Health. The organisation is the sole Payer in the NHS-type system, responsible for purchasing health services (e.g. contracting with providers) and ensuring health coverage for the population.
National School of Public Health Responsible for the postgraduate training of health professionals.
National Central Procurement Authority for Health Responsible for the supervision of procurement procedures and the annual supply of products and health services.
General Medical CouncilPanhellenic Association of Hospital Pharmacists

Hellenic Dental Association

Hellenic Regulatory Body of Nurses

Professional bodies responsible for setting the ethical and quality standards, and also representing its members interest.

Public representatives

Not reported

Health profession representatives

Not reported

Academic representatives

Not reported

Overview of policies

Manage shortages and maldistribution of skills

Original name Μεταρρύθμιση της Πρωτοβάθμιας Φροντίδας Υγείας
Name in English Primary Health Care Reform
Short description

Law 4486/2017 established  local health units (TOMYs) under the Primary Care Reform  that aims to shift the focus from treatment to prevention, address the health inequalities and focus on patient-centred care.

The established units are the first point of contact in the patient pathway, coordinating healthcare provision in the respective area.  Continuous service provision is operated by multidisciplinary teams consisting of general practitioners/family physicians, paediatricians, nurses, health visitors and social workers in these units. Services cover  prevention and health promotion, diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, with a special focus on the most vulnerable groups.

Publication date 7 August 2017
Link to full text

Improving performance

Not reported

Address outflow mobility

Original name
Name in English Physicians’ brain drain in Greece: A perspective on the reasons why and how to address it
Short description No policy is reported. This study addresses the issues of health workforce mobility for physicians and investigates potential causes and solutions.
Publication date August 2014
Link to full text (Ifanti, Amalia & Argyriou, Andreas & Kalofonou, Foteini & Kalofonos, Haralabos. (2014). Physicians’ brain drain in Greece: A perspective on the reasons why and how to address it. Health Policy. 117. 10.1016/j.healthpol.2014.03.014.)

Education, enrolment and recruitment

Original name Trends in Medical Education and Training in Greece
Name in English
Short description
Publication date March 2016
Link to full text

Education staff & infrastructure

Not reported

Continuous professional development (CPD)

Original name Μετεκπαίδευση γιατρών
Name in English Continuous training of professionals
Short description With regards to revalidating the licence of physicians and dentists, Law 1397/83 Article 41 sets a 100-hour requirement of training in every five years. In addition, Law 2194/94 Article 2 requires further training for physicians, dentists, pharmacists and other health professions employed in the NHS.
Publication date 7 October 1983

16 March 1994

Link to full text

Regulation of private sector

Original name Εκσυγχρονισμός και μεταρρύθμιση του θεσμικού πλαισίου των ιδιωτικών κλινικών
Name in English Modernization and Reform of the Institutional Framework for Private Clinics
Short description

Law 4600/2019 regulates all relevant issues with regards to private clinics, such as entry (e.g. license for operation) requirements, rules of conduct, obligation of making prices publicly available, The regulation also defines requirements with regards to health professions (dentists and physiotherapists) setting, e.g. fines for practising without a license.

Publication date
Link to full text

Working conditions

Original name Impact of Job Satisfaction on Greek Nurses’ Health-Related Quality of Life
Name in English
Short description
Publication date 20 August 2015
Link to full text


Name (original language) A survey to assess job satisfaction among junior doctors in Greece
Name (best effort translation)
Short description
Publication date 1 April 2019
Link to full text


Not reported

Specific sources

Not reported

Last updated: 10 October 2020


The country fiches are produced under the EU Health Programme 2014-2020 under a service contract with the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (Chafea) acting under the mandate from the European Commission. The information and views set out in the country sheets are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Commission/Executive Agency. The Commission/Executive Agency does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this study.

Neither the Commission/Executive Agency nor any person acting on the Commission’s/Executive Agency’s behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.