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DownloadCOUNTRY: Romania
KNOWLEDGE BROKER: Marius Ungureanu, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor; Director of Education Department of Public Health, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania
SEPEN thanks the knowledge brokers for their contribution in checking and completing the country-information. SEPEN is accountable for the content of the country profiles.
Type of information | Source | Year | Remarks |
Table 1: Health workforce stock and replacement | OECD;
National Institute of Statistics (2018) |
2018 | Stock data retrieved from: National Institute of Statistics (2018) |
Figure 1: Mobility level in absolute numbers | Eurostat | 2018 | Only immigration data for OECD countries are available. The data produced are therefore incomplete. Not all OECD-countries register the country of origin of incoming health professionals and some do not register incoming health professionals at all. Emigration data are based on immigration numbers in other OECD-countries, as emigration as such is not registered nor reported. |
Figure 2a: Number of practicing physicians per 1000 inhabitants | National Institute of Statistics (2018) | 2018 | Figure 2a presents regional distribution of physicians. Maps are formatted according to the NUTS classification obtained from Eurostat or recent national data provided by the key country informants. The national average is derived from the OECD/Eurostat databases, and the EU average from the “Health at a Glance: Europe” report published in November 2020. |
Figure 2b: Number of practicing nurses and midwives per 1000 inhabitants | National Institute of Statistics (2018) | 2018 | Figure 2b presents regional distrubution of nursing and midwifery. Maps are formatted according to the NUTS classification obtained from Eurostat or recent national data provided by the key country informants. The national average is derived from the OECD/Eurostat databases, and the EU average from the “Health at a Glance: Europe” report published in November 2020. |
Statistic | Number | Data Year |
Total population | 19 414 458 | 2019 |
Life expectancy at birth | 75,3 | 2018 |
Source: Eurostat
Licensed to practice | Practising | Professionally active | |||||
Statistic | Number | Per 1000 inhabitants | Number | Per 1000 inhabitants | Number | Per 1000 inhabitants | Data year |
Physicians | Not reported | Not reported | 57 329 | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported | 2017 |
> Generalist Medical Practitioner | Not reported | Not reported | 15 020 | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported | 2017 |
> Specialist Medical Practitioner | Not reported | Not reported | 42 309 | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported | 2017 |
Nurses | 162 009 | 8,27 | 136 458 | 6,97 | 138 416 | 7,07 | 2017 |
Midwives | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported | 2017 |
Dentists | Not reported | Not reported | 15 497 | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported | 2017 |
Pharmacists | Not reported | Not reported | 17 759 | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported | 2017 |
Physiotherapists | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported | 2017 |
Source: Eurostat
Not reported
Name | Role | Website |
The National Centre for Statistics and Information Technology within the National Institute of Public Health | The National Centre for Statistics and Information Technology in Public Health (CNSISP) ensures the professional technical coordination and management of the statistical system and of information technology in public health. | |
The National Institute of Statistics | The National Institute of Statistics has the mission to meet the information needs of all stakeholders requesting statistical data and information, by collecting, producing and disseminating data in accordance with the Law on the Organisation and Functioning of Official Statistics in Romania. | |
Medical Chamber | The Romanian College of Physicians updates the national register of physicians | |
Order of Nurses, Midwives and Medical Assistants | The Order of Nurses Midwives and Medical Assistants in Romania (OAMGMAMR) keeps a record of all the nurses, medical assistants and midwives in Romania that are listed in the Unique National Register (Emergency Ordinance 144/2008) | |
Ministry of Health | (Official site of the residency national competitions) |
Ministry of Education and Research | | |
National Institute of Public Health | The activity of the Institute at territorial level is realised through 4 national centres and 6 regional centres of public health, organised within its own structure, without a legal personality.
The national centres, which coordinate the Institute at national level, are: a) National Center for Surveillance and Control of Communicable Diseases (CNSCBT); b) National Center for Risk Monitoring in the Community Environment (CNMRMC); c) National Center for Health Assessment and Promotion (CNEPSS). d) National Center for Statistics and Informatics in Public Health (CNSISP) The regional centers of public health, which ensure the coordination and professional execution at regional level of the Institute, are: a) The Regional Center of Public Health Bucharest (CRSPB); b) Cluj Regional Center for Public Health (CRSPC); c) Iasi Regional Center for Public Health (CRSPI); d) Timisoara Regional Public Health Center (CRSPT); e) Targu Mures Regional Public Health Center (CRSPM); f) The Sibiu Regional Center for Public Health (CRSPS). | |
Name | Role | Website |
Ministry of Health | In charge of planning | |
Ministry of Education and Research | Sets the educational targets | |
Național Health Insurance House / Casa Naţională de Asigurări de Sănătate | Organisation of social health insurance system | |
National Authority for Quality Management in Health / Autoritea Nationala de Management al Calitatii in Sanatate | Quality of care | |
Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) | Survey the quality of education | |
Name | Role | Website |
Medical Chamber | The Romanian College of Physicians is the public, non-governmental national professional organisation of physicians.
The Medical College of Romania has legal personality and is autonomous in relation to any public authority, exercising its powers any interference. The main objective of CMR is to control and supervise the practice of the medical profession, apply laws and regulations that organise and regulate the professional activity, represent the interests of the medical profession and to preserve the prestige of this profession in society. | |
Order of Nurses, Midwives and Medical Assistants | The Order of Nurses, Midwives and Medical Assistants in Romania (OAMGMAMR) is the competent authority (along with The Ministry of Health) in Romania, founded on the basis of a law, Emergency Ordinance 144/2008. OAMGMAMR is responsible for the regulation and the professional requirements of nurses, medical assistants and midwives throughout Romania. | |
Name | Role | Website |
UMF Bucureşti | University of Medicine and Pharmacy | |
UMF Cluj-Napoca | University of Medicine and Pharmacy | |
UMF Craiova | University of Medicine and Pharmacy | |
UMF Iaşi | University of Medicine and Pharmacy | |
UMFST Tg. Mureş | University of Medicine and Pharmacy | |
UMF Timişoara | University of Medicine and Pharmacy | |
Original name | Planul pentru resurse umane |
Name in English | Plan for human resources |
Short description | Page of the Ministry of Health related to the strategy for human resources |
Publication date | N/A |
Link to full text | |
Original name | ORDONANȚĂ DE URGENȚĂ nr. 74 din 10 decembrie 2019
pentru modificarea și completarea Ordonanței Guvernului nr. 18/2009 privind organizarea și finanțarea rezidențiatului, precum și pentru completarea Legii nr. 95/2006 privind reforma în domeniul sănătății |
Name in English | EMERGENCY ORDER No. 74 of December 10, 2019
for amending and supplementing Government Ordinance No. 18/2009 regarding the organisation and financing of the residency, as well as for the completion of Law No. 95/2006 regarding the reform in the health field |
Short description | Accredited private and military facilities are granted and funded to provide residency to students that have succeeded in the state exam. |
Publication date | 11 December 2019 |
Link to full text | |
Original name | Lege nr. 197 din 31 octombrie 2019
pentru modificarea și completarea Ordonanței Guvernului nr. 18/2009 privind organizarea și finanțarea rezidențiatului |
Name in English | Order No. 18 of 29 August 2009
regarding the organisation and financing of the residency as amended by Law No. 197 of 31 October 2019 |
Short description |
Chapter I, Section 3 – Residential positions– Art. 18: “Residents occupying, by competition, the positions for which the residence is organised conclude an individual employment contract for an indefinite period with the public health unit that published the respective position, under the conditions provided by the legislation in force. Before starting the residency training, physicians, dentists, and pharmacists who promote the residency contest on the job conclude an individual employment contract with the public health unit that published the respective position. This contract stipulates the obligation to work in the same public health unit where the individual employment contract was concluded, for a duration equal to the training in residence. The obligation is established by an additional act to the individual employment contract, pursuant to the provisions of Law No. 53/2003 – Labour Code, republished, with subsequent amendments. If these obligations are not met all costs incurred during the professional training must be reimbursed, plus the installation premium defined in the addendum of the individual employment contract – |
Publication date | 29 August 2009, amended on 31 October 2019 |
Link to full text | |
Original name | Criteriilor de evaluare a performanţelor profesionale individuale şi a modelului fişei de evaluare a performanţelor profesionale individuale |
Name in English | The criteria for evaluating individual professional performances and the template of the evaluation sheet for individual professional performances |
Short description | The evaluation of the individual professional performances in public institutions constitutes an objective assessment of the workforce, by comparing the qualifications in relation to the job requirements. The evaluation is carried out annually. |
Publication date | 1 August 2011 |
Link to full text | |
Original name | Lege-Cadru nr. 153 |
Name in English | Framework Law No. 153 |
Short description | Law No. 153 creates the legislative framework for developing a system for supporting the wage policies in the public sector and for monitoring their implementation.
The salary increases provided by the Framework Law No. 153 / 2017, regarding the remuneration of health professionals from public funds, are applied in 2 stages: – Since January 2018, the gross salary of health professionals increased by 25% compared to the level granted in December 2017, including bonuses paid at the end of 2017. – Since March 2018, the salaries of physicians and nurses have increased until they reach the level of basic salaries set for 2022. |
Publication date | 28 June 2017 |
Link to full text | |
Original name | ORDONANȚĂ nr. 18 din 29 august 2009
privind organizarea și finanțarea rezidențiatului |
Name in English | ORDER No. 18 of 29 August 2009 regarding the organisation and financing of the residency |
Short description | The residency lasts between 3 and 7 years depending on the specialty. The Ministry of Health organises the admission to the residency places and positions, through a national competition, with unique themes and bibliography, according to a methodology approved by the Minister of Health. |
Publication date | 29 August 2009 |
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Original name | ORDONANȚĂ DE URGENȚĂ nr. 75 din 12 iulie 2005
privind asigurarea calității educației aprobată cu modificări prin Legea nr. 87/2006 |
Name in English | EMERGENCY ORDER No. 75 of 12 July 2005
on quality assurance of education approved with modifications by Law No. 87/2006 |
Short description | The Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education was established in 2005 on the basis of Government Emergency Ordinance No. 75/2005 approved with modifications by Law No. 87/2006. ARACIS’ mission is to carry out external quality evaluations of education provided by higher education institutions and by other organisations providing higher education programmes. The agency operates with the aim of:
Publication date | 12 July 2005 |
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Original name | European Structural Funds for improving the infrastructure of hospitals |
Name in English | |
Short description |
With the support of the Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020, investments in health infrastructure to improve the accessibility and quality of care. Several activities can be financed from either Priority Axis 8 (Development of health and social infrastructure) or Priority Axis 14 (Creating the infrastructure of regional emergency hospitals). The investment into modernised medical equipment at the County Emergency Hospital of Cluj-Napoca is a case in point. |
Publication date | 2014
April 2019 |
Link to full text | |
Original name | DECIZIE nr. 12 din 29 iunie 2018 |
Name in English | DECISION No. 12 of June 29, 2018 |
Short description | Regulation of the national system of continuous professional development (CPD) ; licensing and renewal criteria and norms for healthcare providers; and the regulation of the procedural system of evaluation for CPD activities relating to the physicians. |
Publication date | 29 June 2018 |
Link to full text | |
Original name | Programul Naţional EMC: normele de creditare a programelor de educaţie medicală continuă |
Name in English | The National EMC Programme: credit rules for continuous medical education programmes |
Short description | Regulation of the national CPD system CPD addressed to the General Assistants, Midwives and Nurses in Romania |
Publication date | 5 January 2014 |
Link to full text | |
Not reported
Original name | LEGE-CADRU nr. 153 |
Name in English | FRAMEWORK LAW No. 153 |
Short description | In Annex 2, Chapter 1, point a), b) and c) basic salaries are listed based on the level of education, specialism and health service provided. |
Publication date | 28 June 2017 |
Link to full text | |
Original name | Calculatorul Medicului |
Name in English | Calculator for Physicians |
Short description | Transparency portal on wages supplement for on duty working hour payments |
Publication date | N/A |
Link to full text | |
Original name | European Structural Funds for improving the working environment in healthcare institutions |
Name in English | |
Short description | As a result of the Regional Operational Programme, hospital equipment and infrastructure has been modernised during the 2014-2020 period. The investments are financed from European Funds. Further investments have been announced for the 2021-2027 period. |
Publication date | 2014 June 2019 |
Link to full text | |
Original name | Supporting the training of the health professionals in paediatric cardiology |
Name in English | |
Short description | 5 million euros have been allocated to support the specialisation of physicians and nurses in paediatric cardiology. The programme is financed from European Funds through the Human Capital Operational Programme and aims to ensure adequate service provision in underdeveloped regions of the country. |
Publication date | |
Link to full text | |
Not reported
List of sources specific to this country:
Last updated: 10 October 2020
The country fiches are produced under the EU Health Programme 2014-2020 under a service contract with the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (Chafea) acting under the mandate from the European Commission. The information and views set out in the country sheets are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Commission/Executive Agency. The Commission/Executive Agency does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this study.
Neither the Commission/Executive Agency nor any person acting on the Commission’s/Executive Agency’s behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.