Country fiches main page

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Table of contents

General information

Latest international publications

Statistical data used

Key facts and figures

Additional national statistics

Office(s) in charge of data collection

Overview of main stakeholders

Overview of policies

Specific sources


General information

Alicja Domagala PhD, Health Policy and Management Department, Institute of Public Health, Jagiellonian University Medical College

SEPEN thanks the knowledge brokers for their contribution in checking and completing the country-information. SEPEN is accountable for the content of the country profiles.

Latest international publications

Statistical data used

Type of information Source Year Remarks
Table 1: Health workforce stock and replacement OECD 2017 Age characteristics of the physician and nursing stock are not reported.
Figure 1: Mobility level in absolute numbers OECD 2018 Only immigration data for OECD countries are available. The data produced are therefore incomplete. Not all OECD-countries register the country of origin of incoming health professionals and some do not register incoming health professionals at all. Emigration data are based on immigration numbers in other OECD-countries, as emigration as such is not registered nor reported.
Figure 2a: Number of practicing physicians per 1000 inhabitants Eurostat 2017 Figure 2a presents regional distribution of physicians. Maps are formatted according to the NUTS classification obtained from Eurostat or recent national data provided by the key country informants. The national average is derived from the OECD/Eurostat databases, and the EU average from the “Health at a Glance: Europe” report published in November 2020.
Figure 2b: Number of practicing nurses and midwives per 1000 inhabitants  Eurostat 2015 Figure 2b presents regional distrubution of nursing and midwifery. Maps are formatted according to the NUTS classification obtained from Eurostat or recent national data provided by the key country informants. The national average is derived from the OECD/Eurostat databases, and the EU average from the “Health at a Glance: Europe” report published in November 2020.

Key facts and figures

OECD and Eurostat statistics

Statistic Number Data Year
Total population 37 972 812 2019
Life expectancy at birth 77,7 2018

Source: Eurostat

  Licensed to practice Practising Professionally active  
Statistic Number Per 1000 inhabitants Number Per 1000 inhabitants Number Per 1000 inhabitants Data year
Physicians 146 037 3,85 90 284 2,38 97 835 2,58 2017
> Generalist Medical Practitioner Not reported Not reported 15 908 0,42 Not reported Not reported 2017
> Specialist Medical Practitioner Not reported Not reported 74 376 1,96 Not reported Not reported 2017
Nurses 291 864 7,69 193 700 5,10 195 146 5,14 2017
Midwives 37 694 0,99 22 742 0,60 22 936 0,60 2017
Dentists 41 281 1,09 13 331 0,35 14 346 0,38 2017
Pharmacists 34 797 0,92 29 330 0,77 30 228 0,80 2017
Physiotherapists Not reported Not reported 26 495 0,70 Not reported Not reported 2017

Source: OECD

Additional national statistics

Not reported

Office(s) in charge of data collection

Name Role Website
Central Statistical Office Established in 1918, the Central Statistical Office collects and publishes statistical data related to the economy, population, and society, at both national and local levels.
Center for Information Systems in Health Care (CSIOZ) The CSIOZ’s main sphere of activity is to implement tasks related to creating information systems, including the organisation and protection of health and carrying out analyses to support the Ministry of Health. CSIOZ is a governmental institution responsible for planning, building and monitoring IT solutions in health care; developing tools for data analysis and analytical reports related to the health care system.
National Chamber of Physicians (NIL) The Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists along with the regional chambers are independent bodies of professional self-government of physicians and dentists, subordinate to the law. The Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists represents the professional self-government of physicians and dentists at state level, while the regional medical councils do so at regional level.

National Chamber of Nurses and Midwives (NIPIP) NIPIP participate in the establishment of education standards, maintain registers of licensed and professionally active professionals and monitor their participation in CPD. The NIPIP also develops ethical codes of practice and, if necessary, imposes disciplinary measures on members. Membership in the chambers is compulsory for all practicing nurses and midwives.

NIPIP is responsible for the Central Register of nurses and midwives.
Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) Central state organisational unit is a legal entity,  maintaining headquarters in Warsaw. Tasks of the ZUS are defined in the Act of 13 October 1998 on the social insurance system. The ZUS fulfils various functions, driven by national legislation.

Overview of main stakeholders

Public representatives

Name Role Website
Ministry of Health Policymaker and regulatory body, responsible for national health policy, major capital investments in healthcare, medical science and education. The Ministry of Health establishes regulations governing the functioning of the healthcare system. Providing equal access to publicly-funded healthcare services, the Ministry regulates the organisation and functioning of universal health insurance by issuing ordinances based on statutory delegation, and finances selected specialist health care services and public health programmes.
National Health Fund (NFZ) The National Health Fund is the sole payer in the Polish health system, responsible for contracting healthcare services included in the statutory benefits basket for the insured population. The NFZ determines the details of contracting processes.

Health profession representatives

Name Role Website
Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists Central organisational body of the professional self-government of physicians and dental practitioners. Responsible for matters concerning the exercise of medicine and dentistry in Poland.
National Chamber of Nurses and Midwives NIPIP participates in the establishment of education standards, maintains registers of licensed and active professionals, and monitors their participation in CPD. They also develop ethical codes of practice and may impose disciplinary measures on their members. Membership in the chambers is compulsory for all practicing nurses and midwives.

NIPIP is responsible for Central Register of nurses and midwives
The Polish Chamber of Physiotherapists   The Polish Chamber of Physiotherapists is a professional governing organisation associating and representing all physiotherapists in Poland with the right to practice their profession. The organisation grants and oversees physiotherapy licences, operating as the competent authority responsible for the profession of physiotherapy in Poland.

Academic representatives

Name Role Website
National Institute of Public Health

Central authority, cooperating with public health centres at provincial level and medical research institutes and institutions from Poland as well as other nations. The National Institute of Public Health performs activities of practice and intervention, as well as scientific and training activities in several domains of public health.

Overview of policies

Manage shortages and maldistribution of skills

Name in English Strategy for the development of nursing and midwifery in Poland
Short description

The document sets out directions for actions to be taken to ensure the highest quality, safety and access to nursing care for patients, taking into account proposals of professionals’ activities, possibilities and financial resources. The strategy is one of the main tools to implement the services of the Ministry of Health.

Publication date December 2017
Link to full text
Original name Polityka wieloletnia państwa na rzecz pielęgniarstwa i położnictwa w Polsce (z uwzględnieniem etapów prac zainicjowanych w roku 2018)
Name in English Long-term state policy for nursing and midwifery in Poland
Short description National strategy developed with regards to the demographic situation of Polish society and the difficult situation in the field of nursing and midwifery, in terms of staff shortages in these professions, and difficult working conditions, including adverse payment terms.
Publication date October 2019
Link to full text,Polityka-wieloletnia-panstwa-na-rzecz-pielegniarstwa-i-poloznictwa-w-Polsce-z-uw.html


Original name Lekarze i lekarze dentyści w Polsce – charakterystyka demograficzna. Stan w dniu 31.12.2017 roku
Name in English Physicians and dentists in Poland – demographic characteristics in 2017
Short description Demographic characteristics of Polish physicians’ and dentists’ workforce, conducting forecasting activities with regards to physicians and dentists of Poland for the years of 2018-2037.
Publication date 2017
Link to full text


Original name Raport NIPiP nt. Zabezpieczenie Społeczeństwa Polskiego w świadczenia pielęgniarek i położnych
Name in English Report of National Chambers of Nurses and Midwives on securing the Polish Society in providing nurses and midwifery services
Short description Provides demographic characteristics of Polish nurses and midwives, describing the role, tasks, and requirements of the profession and characteristics of the work environment.
Publication date March 2017
Link to full text

Improving performance

Original name POZ PLUS
Name in English Primary Health Care “Plus”
Short description Policy to improve treatment through better organisation of primary care, including improved coordination of care between the PHC physicians, nurses and midwives.
Publication date 27 October 2017
Link to full text

Address outflow mobility

Original name Art. 16j ust. 2b ustawy z dnia 5 grudnia 1996 r. o zawodach lekarza i lekarza dentysty (Dz. U. z 2018 r., poz. 617 z późn. zm.) dotyczący zasad odpracowania tzw. bonu patriotycznego.
Name in English Article 16j 2b of the Act of December 5, 1996 on the professions of physicians and dentists (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 617) regarding the principles of working off the so-called patriotic voucher.
Short description The so-called ‘patriotic vouchers’ were introduced in response to protests of physicians and provide a guaranteed salary increase of 600-700 PLN on a monthly basis for medical doctors committing to staying and working in the Polish health care system for a minimum of two years after completing residency training.
Publication date 2018
Link to full text

Education, enrolment and recruitment

Original name ROZPORZĄDZENIE MINISTRA ZDROWIA w sprawie limitu przyjęć na studia na kierunkach lekarskich i lekarsko-dentystycznych
Name in English Regulation of the Minister of Health on the admission quotas to the medical study 2019/2020
Short description The Minister of Health (MoH) sets admission quotas by defining the number of students – in each academic year and for each university. The Regulation of the MoH on the quotas to the medical study is updated annually.
Publication date 16 July 2019
Link to full text

Education staff & infrastructure

Original name Polityka Wieloletnia Państwa na Rzecz Pielęgniarstwa i Położnictwa w Polsce


Name in English Long-term State Policy for Nursing and Midwifery in Poland
Short description State policy, aims to  increase the number of students and improve the quality of education in the fields of nursing and midwifery. The policy-guide changes in the postgraduate education system are designed working conditions of nurses and midwives, as well as providing support for nurses in direct patient care.
Publication date 15 October 2019
Link to full text

Continuous professional development (CPD)

Original name Rozporzadzenie Ministra Zdrowia z dnia 6 października 2004 r. w sprawie sposobów dopełnienia obowiązku doskonalenia zawodowego lekarzy i lekarzy dentystów
Name in English Regulation of the Minister of Health of 6 October 2004 on ways to fulfil the obligation of professional development of physicians  and dentists
Short description CPD for physicians and dentists is obligatory. State policy, regulating obligatory CPD for physicians and dentists. Obligatory CPD is conducted through self-education and participation in various forms of training, for which educational points are awarded. Physicians and dentists must collect 200 educational points within a period of four years.
Publication date 6 October 2004
Link to full text

Regulation of private sector

Not reported

Working conditions

Original name Ustawa z dnia 8 czerwca 2017 r. o sposobie ustalania najniższego wynagrodzenia zasadniczego niektórych pracowników zatrudnionych w podmiotach leczniczych
Name in English Act on the method for determining the lowest basic salary for employees performing medical professions employed in health care units
Short description Comprehensive act to regulate the minimum basic salaries of medical professionals employed in health care units.
Publication date 2017
Link to full text


Original name Strategiczne kierunki rozwoju systemu ochrony zdrowia w Polsce
Name in English Strategic directions for the healthcare system development in Poland
Short description Report presenting the results of the national debate on directions of changes in the Polish healthcare system, including shortages of health professionals.


Publication date July 2019
Link to full text


Original name System Monitorowania Kształcenia Pracowników Medycznych
Name in English System of the Monitoring of Health Workforce Training (SMK)
Short description A dedicated data platform to gather, analyse and monitor health workforce data. 
Publication date
Link to full text

Specific sources

List of sources specific to this country:


Last updated: 10 October 2020


The country fiches are produced under the EU Health Programme 2014-2020 under a service contract with the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (Chafea) acting under the mandate from the European Commission. The information and views set out in the country sheets are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Commission/Executive Agency. The Commission/Executive Agency does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this study.

Neither the Commission/Executive Agency nor any person acting on the Commission’s/Executive Agency’s behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Age characteristics of the physician and nursing stock are not reported. Figure 1: Mobility level in absolute numbers OECD 2018 Only immigration data for OECD countries are available. The data produced are therefore incomplete. Not all OECD-countries register the country of origin of incoming health professionals and some do not register incoming health professionals at all. Emigration data are based on immigration numbers in other OECD-countries, as emigration as such is not registered nor reported. Figure 2a: Number of practicing physicians per 1000 inhabitants Eurostat 2017 Figure 2a presents regional distribution of physicians. Maps are formatted according to the NUTS classification obtained from Eurostat or recent national data provided by the key country informants. The national average is derived from the OECD/Eurostat databases, and the EU average from the “Health at a Glance: Europe” report published in November 2020. Figure 2b: Number of practicing nurses and midwives per 1000 inhabitants  Eurostat 2015 Figure 2b presents regional distrubution of nursing and midwifery. Maps are formatted according to the NUTS classification obtained from Eurostat or recent national data provided by the key country informants. The national average is derived from the OECD/Eurostat databases, and the EU average from the “Health at a Glance: Europe” report published in November 2020.

Key facts and figures

OECD and Eurostat statistics

Statistic Number Data Year
Total population 37 972 812 2019
Life expectancy at birth 77,7 2018

Source: Eurostat

  Licensed to practice Practising Professionally active  
Statistic Number Per 1000 inhabitants Number Per 1000 inhabitants Number Per 1000 inhabitants Data year
Physicians 146 037 3,85 90 284 2,38 97 835 2,58 2017
> Generalist Medical Practitioner Not reported Not reported 15 908 0,42 Not reported Not reported 2017
> Specialist Medical Practitioner Not reported Not reported 74 376 1,96 Not reported Not reported 2017
Nurses 291 864 7,69 193 700 5,10 195 146 5,14 2017
Midwives 37 694 0,99 22 742 0,60 22 936 0,60 2017
Dentists 41 281 1,09 13 331 0,35 14 346 0,38 2017
Pharmacists 34 797 0,92 29 330 0,77 30 228 0,80 2017
Physiotherapists Not reported Not reported 26 495 0,70 Not reported Not reported 2017

Source: OECD

Additional national statistics

Not reported

Office(s) in charge of data collection

Name Role Website
Central Statistical Office Established in 1918, the Central Statistical Office collects and publishes statistical data related to the economy, population, and society, at both national and local levels.
Center for Information Systems in Health Care (CSIOZ) The CSIOZ’s main sphere of activity is to implement tasks related to creating information systems, including the organisation and protection of health and carrying out analyses to support the Ministry of Health. CSIOZ is a governmental institution responsible for planning, building and monitoring IT solutions in health care; developing tools for data analysis and analytical reports related to the health care system.
National Chamber of Physicians (NIL) The Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists along with the regional chambers are independent bodies of professional self-government of physicians and dentists, subordinate to the law. The Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists represents the professional self-government of physicians and dentists at state level, while the regional medical councils do so at regional level.

National Chamber of Nurses and Midwives (NIPIP) NIPIP participate in the establishment of education standards, maintain registers of licensed and professionally active professionals and monitor their participation in CPD. The NIPIP also develops ethical codes of practice and, if necessary, imposes disciplinary measures on members. Membership in the chambers is compulsory for all practicing nurses and midwives.

NIPIP is responsible for the Central Register of nurses and midwives.
Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) Central state organisational unit is a legal entity,  maintaining headquarters in Warsaw. Tasks of the ZUS are defined in the Act of 13 October 1998 on the social insurance system. The ZUS fulfils various functions, driven by national legislation.

Overview of main stakeholders

Public representatives

Name Role Website
Ministry of Health Policymaker and regulatory body, responsible for national health policy, major capital investments in healthcare, medical science and education. The Ministry of Health establishes regulations governing the functioning of the healthcare system. Providing equal access to publicly-funded healthcare services, the Ministry regulates the organisation and functioning of universal health insurance by issuing ordinances based on statutory delegation, and finances selected specialist health care services and public health programmes.
National Health Fund (NFZ) The National Health Fund is the sole payer in the Polish health system, responsible for contracting healthcare services included in the statutory benefits basket for the insured population. The NFZ determines the details of contracting processes.

Health profession representatives

Name Role Website
Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists Central organisational body of the professional self-government of physicians and dental practitioners. Responsible for matters concerning the exercise of medicine and dentistry in Poland.
National Chamber of Nurses and Midwives NIPIP participates in the establishment of education standards, maintains registers of licensed and active professionals, and monitors their participation in CPD. They also develop ethical codes of practice and may impose disciplinary measures on their members. Membership in the chambers is compulsory for all practicing nurses and midwives.

NIPIP is responsible for Central Register of nurses and midwives
The Polish Chamber of Physiotherapists   The Polish Chamber of Physiotherapists is a professional governing organisation associating and representing all physiotherapists in Poland with the right to practice their profession. The organisation grants and oversees physiotherapy licences, operating as the competent authority responsible for the profession of physiotherapy in Poland.

Academic representatives

Name Role Website
National Institute of Public Health

Central authority, cooperating with public health centres at provincial level and medical research institutes and institutions from Poland as well as other nations. The National Institute of Public Health performs activities of practice and intervention, as well as scientific and training activities in several domains of public health.

Overview of policies

Manage shortages and maldistribution of skills

Name in English Strategy for the development of nursing and midwifery in Poland
Short description

The document sets out directions for actions to be taken to ensure the highest quality, safety and access to nursing care for patients, taking into account proposals of professionals’ activities, possibilities and financial resources. The strategy is one of the main tools to implement the services of the Ministry of Health.

Publication date December 2017
Link to full text
Original name Polityka wieloletnia państwa na rzecz pielęgniarstwa i położnictwa w Polsce (z uwzględnieniem etapów prac zainicjowanych w roku 2018)
Name in English Long-term state policy for nursing and midwifery in Poland
Short description National strategy developed with regards to the demographic situation of Polish society and the difficult situation in the field of nursing and midwifery, in terms of staff shortages in these professions, and difficult working conditions, including adverse payment terms.
Publication date October 2019
Link to full text,Polityka-wieloletnia-panstwa-na-rzecz-pielegniarstwa-i-poloznictwa-w-Polsce-z-uw.html


Original name Lekarze i lekarze dentyści w Polsce – charakterystyka demograficzna. Stan w dniu 31.12.2017 roku
Name in English Physicians and dentists in Poland – demographic characteristics in 2017
Short description Demographic characteristics of Polish physicians’ and dentists’ workforce, conducting forecasting activities with regards to physicians and dentists of Poland for the years of 2018-2037.
Publication date 2017
Link to full text


Original name Raport NIPiP nt. Zabezpieczenie Społeczeństwa Polskiego w świadczenia pielęgniarek i położnych
Name in English Report of National Chambers of Nurses and Midwives on securing the Polish Society in providing nurses and midwifery services
Short description Provides demographic characteristics of Polish nurses and midwives, describing the role, tasks, and requirements of the profession and characteristics of the work environment.
Publication date March 2017
Link to full text

Improving performance

Original name POZ PLUS
Name in English Primary Health Care “Plus”
Short description Policy to improve treatment through better organisation of primary care, including improved coordination of care between the PHC physicians, nurses and midwives.
Publication date 27 October 2017
Link to full text

Address outflow mobility

Original name Art. 16j ust. 2b ustawy z dnia 5 grudnia 1996 r. o zawodach lekarza i lekarza dentysty (Dz. U. z 2018 r., poz. 617 z późn. zm.) dotyczący zasad odpracowania tzw. bonu patriotycznego.
Name in English Article 16j 2b of the Act of December 5, 1996 on the professions of physicians and dentists (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 617) regarding the principles of working off the so-called patriotic voucher.
Short description The so-called ‘patriotic vouchers’ were introduced in response to protests of physicians and provide a guaranteed salary increase of 600-700 PLN on a monthly basis for medical doctors committing to staying and working in the Polish health care system for a minimum of two years after completing residency training.
Publication date 2018
Link to full text

Education, enrolment and recruitment

Original name ROZPORZĄDZENIE MINISTRA ZDROWIA w sprawie limitu przyjęć na studia na kierunkach lekarskich i lekarsko-dentystycznych
Name in English Regulation of the Minister of Health on the admission quotas to the medical study 2019/2020
Short description The Minister of Health (MoH) sets admission quotas by defining the number of students – in each academic year and for each university. The Regulation of the MoH on the quotas to the medical study is updated annually.
Publication date 16 July 2019
Link to full text

Education staff & infrastructure

Original name Polityka Wieloletnia Państwa na Rzecz Pielęgniarstwa i Położnictwa w Polsce


Name in English Long-term State Policy for Nursing and Midwifery in Poland
Short description State policy, aims to  increase the number of students and improve the quality of education in the fields of nursing and midwifery. The policy-guide changes in the postgraduate education system are designed working conditions of nurses and midwives, as well as providing support for nurses in direct patient care.
Publication date 15 October 2019
Link to full text

Continuous professional development (CPD)

Original name Rozporzadzenie Ministra Zdrowia z dnia 6 października 2004 r. w sprawie sposobów dopełnienia obowiązku doskonalenia zawodowego lekarzy i lekarzy dentystów
Name in English Regulation of the Minister of Health of 6 October 2004 on ways to fulfil the obligation of professional development of physicians  and dentists
Short description CPD for physicians and dentists is obligatory. State policy, regulating obligatory CPD for physicians and dentists. Obligatory CPD is conducted through self-education and participation in various forms of training, for which educational points are awarded. Physicians and dentists must collect 200 educational points within a period of four years.
Publication date 6 October 2004
Link to full text

Regulation of private sector

Not reported

Working conditions

Original name Ustawa z dnia 8 czerwca 2017 r. o sposobie ustalania najniższego wynagrodzenia zasadniczego niektórych pracowników zatrudnionych w podmiotach leczniczych
Name in English Act on the method for determining the lowest basic salary for employees performing medical professions employed in health care units
Short description Comprehensive act to regulate the minimum basic salaries of medical professionals employed in health care units.
Publication date 2017
Link to full text


Original name Strategiczne kierunki rozwoju systemu ochrony zdrowia w Polsce
Name in English Strategic directions for the healthcare system development in Poland
Short description Report presenting the results of the national debate on directions of changes in the Polish healthcare system, including shortages of health professionals.


Publication date July 2019
Link to full text


Original name System Monitorowania Kształcenia Pracowników Medycznych
Name in English System of the Monitoring of Health Workforce Training (SMK)
Short description A dedicated data platform to gather, analyse and monitor health workforce data. 
Publication date
Link to full text

Specific sources

List of sources specific to this country:


Last updated: 10 October 2020


The country fiches are produced under the EU Health Programme 2014-2020 under a service contract with the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (Chafea) acting under the mandate from the European Commission. The information and views set out in the country sheets are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Commission/Executive Agency. The Commission/Executive Agency does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this study.

Neither the Commission/Executive Agency nor any person acting on the Commission’s/Executive Agency’s behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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